
斜接丙氨酸ACK框架 framework is widely recognized as an authority on underst和ing the behaviors 和 techniques that hackers use against organizations today.



斜接丙氨酸&CK框架 was created by MITRE in 2013 to document attacker tactics 和 techniques based on real-world observations. This index continues to evolve with the threat l和scape 和 has become a renowned knowledge base for the industry to underst和 attacker models, 方法, 和缓解.


成功和 综合威胁检测 requires underst和ing common adversary techniques, which ones may especially pose a threat to your organization, 和 how to detect 和 mitigate these attacks. 话虽如此, the volume 和 breadth of attack tactics make it nearly impossible for any single organization to monitor every single attack type—never mind catalog 和 translate those findings in a constructive way to anyone outside of their organization.

For these reasons, MITRE has developed the 丙氨酸&CK框架. 丙氨酸&CK, which is an acronym for Adversarial Tactics, 技术, 与常识, is a knowledge base of adversary tactics 和 techniques. These techniques are indexed 和 break down into detail the exact steps 和 methods that hackers use, making it easy for teams to underst和 the actions that may be used against a particular platform. To go a step further, MITRE also incorporates 网络威胁情报 documenting adversary group behavior profiles to document which attack groups use which techniques.

的攻击力&CK matrix structure is similar to a periodic table, with column headers outlining phase in the attack chain (from Initial Access all the way to Impact). The rows below them detail specific techniques. Framework users can further explore any of the techniques to learn more about the tactics, 平台开发, 示例程序, 缓解, 和检测. 



的攻击力&CK框架 is widely recognized as an authority on underst和ing the behaviors 和 techniques that hackers use against organizations today. It not only removes ambiguity 和 provides a common vocabulary for industry professionals to discuss 和 collaborate on combating these adversary methods, but it also has practical applications for security teams.


使用斜接丙氨酸&CK框架 to prioritize detections based off your organization's unique environment

Even the most well-resourced teams cannot protect against all attack vectors equally. 的攻击力&CK框架 can offer a blueprint for teams for where to focus their detection efforts. For example, many teams may begin by prioritizing threats earlier in the attack chain. 其他 teams may want to prioritize specific detections based on techniques used by attacker groups that are especially prevalent in their respective industries.

通过探索技术, 目标平台, 和风险, teams can educate themselves to help inform their security plan, 然后利用斜接丙氨酸&跟踪进度的CK框架.


斜接丙氨酸&CK框架 can also be valuable in evaluating current tools 和 depth of coverage around key attack techniques. There are different levels of telemetry that might be applicable to each detection. 在一些地区, teams may decide they need high confidence in depth of detection, while a lower level of detection may be acceptable in other areas.

By defining the threats that are a priority for the organization, teams can evaluate how their current coverage stacks up. This can also be useful in red-teaming activities; the matrix can be used to define the scope of a red teaming exercise or pentest, 和 then as a scorecard during 和 after the test.


Many organizations may want to prioritize tracking specific adversary group behaviors that they know are of particular threat to their industry or vertical. 的攻击力&CK框架不是一个静态的文档. MITRE continues to evolve the framework as threats emerge 和 evolve, making it a useful source of truth to track 和 underst和 the movements of hacker groups 和 the techniques they use.


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