Managed Security 服务

Managed 脆弱性 服务 Overview

Rapid7 Managed 脆弱性 Management (MVM) was designed to offload day-to-day operations to our vulnerability management experts 和 extend coverage across the attack surface so you can build a successful program. Managed VM provides tailored recommendations to manage, 执行, 和 optimize remediation across your environment 和 lower your overall risk exposure. By pairing our team of experts with our industry-leading vulnerability management platform, you can develop a complete MVM program to stay ahead of the latest attacker trends 和 proactively defend your perimeter.

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Our vulnerability management experts will manage, 执行, 和 optimize processes across your environment, including scan operations, vulnerability validation, 和 gathering threat intelligence.


Utilizing the power of the Rapid7 Insight cloud, InsightVM is the industry-leading vulnerability management platform for your modern environment. With InsightVM, you can:

Gain Clarity Into Risk 

Better underst和 the risk in your modern environment so you can work in lockstep with technical teams.

Extend Security’s Influence 

Align traditionally siloed teams 和 drive impact with the shared view 和 common language of InsightVM.

See Shared Progress

Take a proactive approach to security with tracking 和 metrics that create accountability 和 recognize progress.


Our proven vulnerability management process—from discovery to program measurement—allows you to:

  • Identify 和 communicate the vulnerabilities in your environment, giving your business a more complete view of your attack surface
  • Prioritize risk based on our 真实风险评分 以及对 current attacker methods
  • Work in lockstep with the technical teams responsible for remediation
  • Track remediation progress 和 drive towards resolution
  • Show measurable progress aligned to your program goals
  • Articulate your strategy 和 success to executive teams

